In preparation for the arrival of dozens of families to Maale Amos from America, the Rosh Kollel of Maale Amos Rav Dovid Steinhaus wrote a letter addressed to all those interested in moving to the community. Rav Steinhaus writes about his personal experience living in the yishuv and the opinion of the Gedolim throughout the years regarding settling in a community in the Judean mountains. We have translated an excerpt from the beginning of the article below.
First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I was born in Gateshead, England, learned at the Gateshead yeshiva and then at the yeshiva of Moreinu v’Rabbeinu, Rav Dovid Soloveitchik zt”t in Yerushalayim, Ir HaKodesh. As a young avreich, I was looking for a way to live in the special atmosphere of Eretz Yisrael and continue to study in Kollel without the large expenses of renting or buying an apartment in the big cities. Baruch Hashem, I merited to learn for many years in the kollel in the yishuv (Maale Amos), and then to become the head of the kollel. I feel that, with Chasdei Hashem Yisbarach, I grew here more than I would have in Chutz L’Aretz, and even more than I would have grown in the big cities in Eretz Yisrael.
B’Chasdei Hashem Yisbarach, in the serene and peaceful atmosphere in the yishuv I was zoche to publish several sefarim that many enjoy and gain chizuk from - and it seems that the special relaxed atmosphere of the settlement had a big part to play in these sefarim.
!הודו לה' כי טוב
We have been privileged to raise a family in the yishuv and to see them now blessed with their own children, all Bnei Torah and wonderful Ovdei Hashem, and we have a lot of nachas d’kedushah from them and from all the grandchildren.
חסדי ה' כי לא תמנו! כן יתן ה' וכן יוסיף ברוב רחמיו וחסדיו.
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